Challenge myths

Bringing history to life through an epic online game.

This game was designed to bring the famous historical figure Hadrian to life, through an immersive exploratory game.

The player learns about a range of interesting topics, from Hadrian’s interest in poetry, through to his wicked sense of humour, through a series of immersive and visual environments.

  • The Open University

  • 30 different myths dispelled

  • 53 ipad widths of illustration!

An image of the game showing Hadrian in Egypt in 130 AD

The learner goes on a journey with Hadrian, covering 8 different locations around the Empire.

Hadrian is shown walking through Athens alongside a decision point.

Each scene is full of different questions about Hadrian and his psyche.

A map view showing the journey taken by Hadrian so far

A map charts progress as you go.

A screen showing a choice of objects to add to your personal collection.

The learner can add objects to a personal collection at key points.

Hadrian is shown walking through some woodland in a scene from the game.

Pop-up animations build a picture.

The final results screen showing objects collected and a final knowledge score

5 different variables are used to track results about the learner.

A feedback screen showing correct feedback and a supporting image of Hadrian

Question feedback provides deeper insights into Hadrian’s psyche.