Expose inequality

A supporting resource for a television series exploring gender inequality in the boardroom.

To support a new BBC TV series exploring gender inequality in the boardroom, we were asked to create a supporting resource to enable further exploration of the main topics.

The learner enters their details into an online CV before being put up against a computer generated applicant for a boardroom position.

The player goes head to head with the fictional character, guessing at the likelihood of each candidate being represented. The resulting game draws on statistical evidence to expose interesting comparisons between datasets in a way that is fun and easy to digest. Play it here.

  • The Open University / BBC

  • Mobile, Tablet, Desktop

Two candidate are shown, each with a slider to determine how age affects their chances of promotion

Head to head decision points question the impact of different factors on fair representation.

The game results screen showing the learner score compared to the research results

At the end of the game the learner finds out who got the job. They are then able to drill down into more detailed statistical evidence.

Evidence and success stories showing detailed content supported by infographics

Infographics highlight the headline statistics in a way that is easy to grasp.